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来自 : 中国日报网 发布时间:2021-03-24

Marrion Musgrove and the Untouchables

Marrion Musgrove and The Untouchables incorporate soul and funk with a touch of jazz. Musgroven has been called Beijing\'s Aretha Franklin. She sings with passion and energy.

9:30 pm. March 25. Club Le ZaZou, Unit S1-30 The Village 3rd Floor, 19 Sanlitun Beilu, Chaoyang district. 6413-2708

朝阳区三里屯北路19号院Village 3层S1-30

BSB primary music concert

This concert will feature a range of musical performances from children from 5 to 11 years old. It will include carefully chosen solos as well as performances by the clarinet choir, flute choir, trumpet ensemble, junior string ensemble, junior chamber choir and the 100-strong junior choir.

6-8 pm (next day), March 24. British School of Beijing, 5 Sanlitun Xiliujie, Chaoyang district. 8532-5320


Editor\'s Choice

Museum opens at Ming imperial granary


Nearly everyone knows that the heart of Beijing is the Forbidden City in the very center of the capital. But few know the location of the city\'s ancient pantry, the Ming Dynasty imperial granary.

With the opening of a museum in the 600-year-old granary used to stockpile food for the emperor and his family, the private operation run by an handicrafts import and export company is now probably Beijing\'s smallest museum at about 500 sq m. It dates to the Yongle period of the Ming dynasties (1368-1644), when there were 76 royal granaries. Only nine sites exist today, according to Xu Liqin, a museum employee.

The granary museum\'s walls remain unchanged from that time, but its former storage space now houses barns, grain bags, a replica of a barge and statues of laborers unloading bags, as well as illustrations of that time. All offer visitors a picture of how grain was shipped from southern China to Beijing along canals and how granaries functioned in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

\"It\'s said that keepers never worried about rats and insects - there were none to eat the grain. It is quite amazing,\" Xu said. The museum also has a stone mill and Chinese windmill that was used to blow chaff from the rice. Visitors are allowed to have a try if they are interested. \"These are rare in the countryside nowadays,\" Xu said.

Admission to the museum is free, but reservations are required. It doesn\'t take long to see all the exhibits, so a visit fits well as part of a stroll following a meal at a nearby restaurant.

22 Dongsi Shitiao, Dongcheng district 8440-8432


Qin Zhongwei

Out + About


Great Wall at Mutianyu and Ming Tombs tour

The Mutianyu section of the Great Wall is a famous and much-loved segment for those looking to experience the landmark on a half-day tour that involves moderate hiking. Other sections of the wall, such as those at Simatai, Jinshanling and Jiankou, are far from the center of Beijing and considered by many to be too \"wild\" and physically challenging to reach. The sections at Badaling and Juyongguan are, by contrast, too crowded and commercial for many.

This trip requires a more rigorous climb than a visit to Badaling but the views are more striking and the optional cable car ride can be used to reach the top. Participants will have lunch at a Chinese restaurant near the wall.

It takes 40 minutes of hiking along the steps from the foot of the mountain to reach the top but be advised that participants will want to hike along the wall and visit other towers too.

Visit www.chinaculturecenter.org for details.

9 am-6:30 pm, March 25. 350 yuan/250 yuan for children under 12. China Culture Center, Room 101, Kent Center, No. 29, Anjialou, Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang district.6432-9341



Greetings from Greece


Greek visual artist Vangelis Rinas presents his solo exhibition, Endless Sailing III. His paintings have humans and still life setting placed against a minimalist cityscape. He uses subdued colors and balanced compositions to create a harmony between the figures and their surroundings. Also on display is a wooden sculpture, Dreamcraft, with Chinese and Braille writing carved on its surface, telling a beautiful fairy tale about China and Greece.

The exhibits will travel to the fine arts school of Shanghai University in April, after the Beijing show.

9 am-5 pm, until March 29 except Monday. National Art Museum of China, 1 Wusi Dajie, Dongcheng district. 6401-7076

中国美术馆, 东城区五四大街1号

Historical theme


Abiao\'s mixed media works are based on ancient legends, traditional customs, as well as historical figures and heroes. Their bright color schemes and dynamic compositions add vitality to the theme.

9 am-6 pm, until March 28. Artist Village Gallery, 1 North of Rencun, Songzhuang, Tongzhou district. 6959-8343

宋庄画家村画廊, 通州区宋庄任村北一号


Thai cuisine cooking class

Thai cuisine places emphasis on lightly prepared dishes with strong aromatic herbs. It is known for being spicy and is enjoyed all over the world. It is a blend of Asian and European influences. The main ingredients are rice, fish, vegetables and herbs.

10 am-12 pm, March 24. 220 yuan. The Hutong, 1 Zhongxiang Hutong, Jiudaowan, Dongcheng district. 159-0104-6127


Wingchun kungfu with Marco Lee

Marco Lee, a master of kungfu, specializes in the form of Wing Chun Kungfu made famous by the legendary Bruce Lee.

His classes are aimed at all learners, from those who want to learn self-defense all the way to those keen to develop martial arts skills and learn this kungfu form completely.

10 am-12 pm, March 24.200 yuan. The Hutong, 1 Zhongxiang Hutong, Jiudaowan, Dongcheng district. 159-0104-6127


Wine-lovers Wednesdays

Come and celebrate the working week being half over with our domestic and international selection.

Enjoy a second one for half price.

5:30-10 pm. March 24. Metro, 9 Gongtixilu, Chaoyang district. 6552-7828


Shoot Me

Enjoy a shooting game in this hip-hop spot and retro club that offers a classy, relaxed environment.

The decor and sound system are a step up from the usual Gongti glitz, making Dao a must-see for West Side clubbers.

All night long, March 24. 15 yuan. 1/F,West Triumph Plaza,143 Xizhimenwaidajie, Haidian district.8801-6848


Women\'s support group

This group offers safe place for women to express themselves and share life experiences. It\'s a positive way to rid themsleves the stress and deal with culture shock and other factors that can make life difficult.

Women can also use creative and experiential processes to deal with blockages and negative patterns.

Women from any nationality, ethnic background or religious denomination are welcome. Sessions are in English.

5:30-7 pm, March 24. Small Steps Coaching, Xingfu Gongyu, 16 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang district. 139-1185-4570


Calling all directors: Beijing Playhouse\'s 2011 season

A chance for all directors and aspiring directors to submit show ideas for Beijing Playhouse\'s 2011 season.

Those selected will be offered an opportunity to direct a show.

E-mail performance@beijingplayhouse.com for more information.

6:30-7:30 pm, March 24. Beijing Playhouse, 38 Liangmaqiao, Chaoyang district. 137-1890-8922


Chinese dumpling-making

Dumplings are the most common Chinese meal, dating back hundreds of years.

Learn how to make great-tasting dumplings with healthy local ingredients and naturally colored skins and serve them up hot with spicy sauces.

7-9 pm, March 24. 220 yuan. The Hutong, 1 Zhongxiang Hutong, Jiudaowan, Dongcheng district. 159-0104-6127


Free Mandarin course

Learn to speak Chinese via this Chinese Free Mandarin Course for foreigners at the Chinese Culture Salon.

Only 30 seats are available. Make friends and enjoy traditional Chinese culture.

Chinese tea will be offered.

7-9:30 pm, March 24. 10 Wudaoying Hutong Dongcheng district. 5979-2176


Chinese painting course


Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. Ink and wash painting is an East Asian form of brush painting that is also known as wash painting. The xieyi (free-hand) style is one of the two major techniques of Chinese painting.

This intermediate course will go into the detailed brush stroke techniques, instruction on how to complete a complex work of the bird-flower genre and give students the chance to learn Chinese art history, theory and artistic values.

10-12 am, March 25. 160 yuan. China Culture Center, Room 101, Kent Center, No. 29, Anjialou, Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang district.6432-9341


French soiree at Alfa

Alfa hosts an evening to celebrate and savor French culture. Indulge in all-you-can-eat mussels for 50 yuan, drink French wine for 25 yuan a glass and enjoy specials on Cointreau and Grand Marnier cocktails.

11 am - midnight, March 25. 50 yuan. 6 Xingfu Yicun, Gongtibeimen, Chaoyang district.6413-0086


Meandering Mandarin: Eating Out

In small groups of three to five people, students will focus on different real-life situations each week. They will spend two hours in the classroom learning key words, simple and complex phrases and, of course, some cultural background.

Students will then spend an hour and a half outside the classroom in a real-life situation, practicing what they have learned and solving problems with the help of the teacher.

9:30 am-12:30 pm, March 25. 150 yuan. China Culture Center, Room 101, Kent Center, 29 Anjialou, Liangmaqiaolu, Chaoyang district.6432-9341


The Live Zen - Beijing Zen (Chan) Center

Experience Live Zen, through which the teachings of the ancient Zen Masters come alive in the classroom.

A Zen master will show how to bring the practice of Zen meditation into everyday life, breathing new peace and energy into body and mind.

7:30-9:30 pm, March 25. 150 yuan. China Culture Center, Room 101, Kent Center, 29 Anjialou, Liangmaqiaolu, Chaoyang district.6432-9341



In today\'s In the Spotlight at 13:30, please follow our reporter Damin for the story of \"Lost and Found\", a vintage-style furniture and home product shop that finds inspiration in and brings back the styles of the 50s and 60s China. Also, a profile of Chinese folk singer Yin Wu, remembered for his one and only album called \"Everybody\'s Life Is a Long Hard Journey.\"

05:00-07:00 Day Break

07:00-08:00 Beijing Hour with Susan Osman

08:00-11:00 EZ Morning

11:00-13:00 Third Wheel

13:00-13:30 People In the Know

13:30-14:00 In the Spotlight

14:00-17:00 EZ Cafe

17:00-19:00 China Drive

19:00-20:00 Beijing Hour with Paul James

20:00-22:00 The Pulse

22:00-23:00 All That Jazz

23:00-24:00 The Zhazha Club Show



09:30 Nature Science

09:55 Chinese Civilization

10:00 CCTV News

10:15 Sports Scene

10:30 New Frontiers

11:00 Biz China

1130 Around China

12:00 News Hour

13:00 Dialogue

13:30 Travelogue

14:00 Biz China

14:30 Culture Express

15:00 CCTV News

15:15 Learn to Speak Chinese

15:30 Nature and Science

15:55 Chinese Civilization

16:00 CCTV News

16:15 Sports Scene

16:30 New Frontiers

17:00 CCTV News

17:30 Documentary

18:00 Biz China


07:00 Hit List

08:30 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

11:00 The Tenth Circle

12:30 The Making Of Body Of Lies

13:00 Mad City

14:30 Hollywood One On One 79

15:00 The Making Of True Blood

15:30 The Missing

17:30 The Making Of The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

18:00 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

21:00 Notting Hill

23:00 Tmz 197

23:20 Sex And The City S311: Running With Scissors

23:50 Sex And The City S312: Don\'t Ask, Don\'t Tell

ESPN STAR sports

06:00 Sportscenter Asia

06:30 Football Focus With John Dykes

09:00 2009 East Asian Games - Badminton

09:30 Simply The Best

10:00 Sportscenter Right Now

10:01 Trans Tasman Touch Rugby Test Series - Women

11:00 Gravity Games

11:59 Sportscenter Right Now

12:00 UEFA Champions League 2009/10

14:00 Sportscenter Right Now

14:01 UCA/UDA College Cheerleading Championships

14:30 Sportscenter Right Now

14:31 Simply The Best

15:00 2009 East Asian Games - Badminton

17:00 Planet Speed 2009/10

17:30 UEFA Champions League 2009/10

19:30 Sportscenter Asia

20:00 Tiger World Of Football

21:00 Planet Speed 2009/10

21:30 Contenders

22:00 Sportscenter Asia

22:30 UEFA Champions League 2009/10



Kun1 Action

Born in 1986, filmmaker Wu Haohao uses film as his preferred tool to describe the world he lives in.

In Kun1 Action, Wu depicts his experiences in college, from his shyness the first time he had to give a speech on stage to his growing confidence and his love of women.

Through self-analysis he explores his faith in Neo-Marxism and his thoughts about China and its relations with the rest of the world.

The film is full of psychological contradictions that may challenge audiences and stimulate debate.

A discussion with the director, Wu Haohao, will follow the screening of the film.

The interactive session will begin at 3:20 pm.

2-4:20 pm, March 28. Free entrance. Caihuoche Cultural Salon, C1, 46 Fangjia Hutong, Dongcheng district.6406-0658



10/F, Joy City Shopping Mall, Xidan Beidajie, Xicheng district. 6601-8177



11:45, 80 yuan. 15:30, 120 yuan.

18:40, 120 yuan. 21:45, 80 yuan.

K-20: Legend Of the Mask

13:05, 45 yuan. 15:45, 45 yuan.

18:30, 60 yuan. 21:10, 45 yuan.

Percy Jackson the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

11:30, 35 yuan. 12:35, 35 yuan.

13:50,60 yuan. 14:55, 60 yuan.

16:15, 60 yuan. 17:15, 60 yuan.

19:35, 70 yuan. 20:35, 70 yuan.

21:55, 60 yuan.

Don\'t Look Back

15:10, 45 yuan. 19:30, 60 yuan.

21:40, 45 yuan.

Sherlock Holmes

10:50, 35 yuan. 13:20, 60 yuan.

15:50, 60 yuan. 18:20, 70 yuan.

20:55, 70 yuan.

Back in Time

14:00, 45 yuan. 16:25, 45 yuan.

18:50, 60 yuan.


15:05, 45 yuan. 17:05, 45 yuan.

19:05, 60 yuan. 21:05, 45 yuan.

7th Grade Civil Servant

13:00, 45 yuan. 17:20, 45 yuan.


13:55, 45 yuan. 15:40, 45 yuan.

17:25, 45 yuan. 19:15, 60 yuan.

21:00, 45 yuan.

Just Another Pandora\'s Box

10:30, 30 yuan. 11:20, 30 yuan.

12:20, 30 yuan. 12:55, 30 yuan.

13:10, 50 yuan. 14:10, 45 yuan.

14:45, 45 yuan. 15:20, 45 yuan. 16:00, 45 yuan. 16:35, 45 yuan. 17:10, 45 yuan. 17:50, 45 yuan. 18:25, 60 yuan. 18:35, 60 yuan. 19:00, 60 yuan. 19:40, 60 yuan. 20:15, 60 yuan. 20:50, 60 yuan. 21:15, 50 yuan. 21:30, 45 yuan. 22:10, 45 yuan.


G1, Sanlitun Village, Sanlitun, Chaoyang district. 6417-6118



12:15, 60 yuan. 15:25, 120 yuan.

18:35, 120 yuan. 21:45, 60 yuan.

10:20, 60 yuan. 13:30, 120 yuan.

16:40, 120 yuan. 19:50, 120 yuan.


16:50, 60 yuan. 20:30, 60 yuan.

Percy Jackson the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

10:20, 35 yuan. 12:35, 35 yuan.

21:35, 35 yuan. 14:50, 70 yuan.

17:05, 70 yuan. 19:20, 70 yuan.

Just Another Pandora\'s Box

22:10, 35 yuan. 18:40, 70 yuan.

20:25, 70 yuan. 22:40, 35 yuan.

19:10, 70 yuan. 20:55, 70 yuan.

10:45, 35 yuan. 12:30, 35 yuan.

21:30, 35 yuan. 14:25, 70 yuan.

16:15, 70 yuan. 18:00, 70 yuan.

19:45, 70 yuan.


12:55, 30 yuan. 17:20, 60 yuan.

Sherlock Holmes

10:30, 25 yuan. 21:40, 25 yuan.

14:55, 50 yuan. 19:15, 50 yuan.

Hot Summer Days

12:40, 35 yuan. 16:45, 70 yuan.

K-20: Legend Of the Mask

11:35, 30 yuan. 14:05, 60 yuan.

16:35, 60 yuan.


44 Shuangyushu Kexueyuan Nanlu, Haidian district. 8211-5566



09:45, 40 yuan. 11:25, 40 yuan.

14:00, 40 yuan. 17:30, 40 yuan.

19:40, 60+60(VIP) yuan. 21:10, 60 yuan.

Little Big Soldier

12:10, 40 yuan. 15:40, 40 yuan.

19:15, 60 yuan. 22:50, 60 yuan.

(China Daily 03/24/2010 page37)

本文链接: http://kunwha.immuno-online.com/view-682440.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)
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